
Complete Subaru Safety Analysis near Eagle, CO

Can you just get a new vehicle? Are you planning a trip out of Avon? Does your Subaru have a check engine light on?

When there is a reason you believe your Subaru is dangerous, then put it in. Here at Ascent Automotive we can perform a comprehensive safety analysis and allow you to understand what NEEDS repair and what can wait

Call us Today (970) 688-5375

And set up an appointment to have your Subaru’s safety inspected.

We are located at 41199 U.S. 6 Avon, next to Big-O, behind Pier 13 Liquor Store.

SKU: Complete Auto Safety Analysis    


If you own a sleek luxury car, 4×4, all-wheel driveway, a heavy duty SUV, ambulance, bus or fleet vehicle and wish to enjoy a safe and pleasurable driving experience in your Subaru, Ascent Auto can help.

A Complete Subaru Safety Analysis can help to make sure that you will be protected and safe within your Subaru, in the event of any accident or accident.